Herbal Skin Healing Cream for Horses
With CITRONELLA to help repel insects
Natural ancient herbs promote healing.
Helps heal minor cuts, lacerations,
abrasions and skin irritations.
Natural herbal-recipe skin cream with added Vitamin E suitable for horses and ponies
• VITAMIN E enriched herbal formula helps skin heal naturally
• Contains CITRONELLA to help repel insect at wound site
• Non-toxic if ingested
• Applies easily – ideal for hard to reach "unwrap able” areas
• For external use on horses of all types and ages
• Safe for use with pregnant or nursing mares and their
• No steroids – no alcohol – will not sting
• Cream will soften to lotion-like consistency if gently
(do not microwave).
Oasis Herbal Skin Healing Cream with Vitamin E is suitable
for use on minor cuts, lacerations, abrasions, burns, skin irritations and
bites. Useful when used for allergies and dermatitis. Also effective when used
on muck-itch, summer itch, rain rot, mud fever, scratches and surface ear
A human liquid treatment such as first aid sprays, mercurochrome or merthiolate should never be used on a horse. Drying sprays (such as those containing gentian violet that are used on cattle), should be avoided on horses since they promote skin-edge drying and can cause horses to create more scar tissue. All species react to treatment elements differently – so what might be safe for use on a human or other species can in theory be the wrong choice for use on a horse.
Oasis Herbal Skin Healing Cream with Vitamin E is suitable for all minor surface injuries, suture sites upon veterinarian approval, and older healing areas that are scabbed over. This cream is safe to use careful application on the face.
Oasis Herbal Skin Healing Cream for Horses is effective when used on dry-to-semi-moist skin dermatitis conditions such as girth itch, summer itch and salt scald (the dry flaking skin across a horses back caused by over exposure to heat and sweat.) This cream is also helpful for soothing cases of sunburn on the face at or around the eyes and muzzle area. Apply on the inner surface of ears for irritating crusty fly bites or the occurrence of those flat, round itchy areas known a s ear-plaque.
Clean the affected area as best you can
(if area is covered with hair, it is best to shave area to ensure best
application and results.) Apply Herbal Skin Healing Cream as often as
necessary, keeping the healing skin coated during the healing process. This
spray is foal-safe: in case of nursing mothers, foals may come into contact
with the cream during nursing – this is normal and harmless.
For mud-fever: remove horse for muddy area, and hose legs clean with clear water. After allowing the lower legs to dry, apply cream liberally onto all hairless areas and rub up into the hair for at least 1 inch.
For the condition known as "scratches”: This is the
condition where the skin cracks and opens across the back of the pastern and
fetlock. If horse is in muddy
conditions, follow treatment above for mud-fever. If condition occurs in dry
conditions, soften the crusty area with a towel soaked in warm water, and allow
area to air-dry. Follow with an application of the cream. This treatment
procedure will also work well for cracked heals.
Over-reach and interference injuries to the heels: apply cream as soon as injury is noticed and any bleeding has stopped. Maintain application of cream two to three times daily until completely healed. It is a good idea to protect the healing over-reach of interference site with a bell boot over the cream as healing progresses.
Rain-rot treatment: spray all areas where hair loss is
evident on face, neck, shoulders, back and legs. Work the spray up into the remaining hair for
1 inch by spraying up against the growth direction of the hair using a
massaging circular motion. Apply spray twice daily and continue application
until a 1/8” long fuzz of new hair growth is evident on the entire area.
Suitable for external use on horses, ponies, mules, donkeys and other livestock.
CONTENTS: Comfrey leaf and root, Echinacea Angustifolia root, St. Johns Wort, Calendula, Yarrow, Dang Gui aka Angelica Sinensis root, Vitamin E, Rosemary EO, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Mineral Oil, with Potassium sorbate, Citric Acid, Borax and Beeswax. Also contains citronella.
This product is not a medication and is not intended to replace medications or instructions issued by a certified veterinarian.
WARNINGS: For external use only. For animal use only. Do not use on deep wounds or serious burns. If redness, irritation, or swelling occurs or persists, discontinue use and consult your veterinarian
Keep tightly capped.
Store in a cool, dry place…. avoid excessive heat. If separation occurs, stir until contents
return to a creamy texture.
Not intended for human use or consumption… however contact with human skin during application is safe.